The Blogs I've Written!

The 4 Types of Chiari Malformation

Chiari 1 is the most common type of the condition, it is where the lowest part of the brain extends into the spinal canal. People with type 1 often have no symptoms and don't need treatment. But on the other hand, there's Chiari 1.5. This is a more severe case of Chiari 1 where there is cerebellar tonsillar herniation and caudal herniation of some portion of the brainstem, so this type is lower in the neck and can produce spinal cysts also known as a syrinx. This type is the most common to be found later in life.   

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Chiari Malformation Symptoms

Whether you're a Chiari 1, 2, 3 or 4 patient, the symptoms are similar for everyone. The differences between these three is something to be discussed in another post. But people living with Chiari Malformation often experience symptoms daily, before my decompression surgery, I had headaches every single day. These were caused by laughing, coughing, sneezing, yelling and any type of straining the neck. More of my symptoms included dizziness, numbness in limbs, imbalance, and anxiety. These all affected my life in school, on the soccer field, up on the stage and even at home. The worst part of it all was my fear of not knowing when these symptoms would stop, if I'd be able to attend events or even worrying about not getting enough sleep. All of these increased my anxiety.

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What is Chiari Malformation?

"Chiari malformation is a brain abnormality that occurs when the cerebellum, the part of the brain that controls balance, pushes through the skull into the spinal canal"- Google. But on a deeper level, as someone who's experienced the pre and post surgical symptoms of Chiari Malformation, the condition can debilitate someone's life. Chiari is something you are born with and can worsen overtime, it's the cause of pain for 1 in 1000 people, along with different severities, Chiari 1, 2, 3, and 4.

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